What is this texture, I wondered, and why did I like it so much? I don't want to be the sort of person who gushes about a new kind of plastic. But here I am holding a new luxury travel shaver from Panasonic, catching feelings about it.
The white version of Panasonic's Arc 5 Palm, a compact shaver released in September in the US but much earlier in Japan, is made with a newly developed material called Nagori, made from the concentrated minerals of seawater—a common byproduct of desalination plants. Nagori is a plastic that feels organic. It is, if anything, the texture of seashell. Or a stone, washed at the bend of a river until it takes on the character of marble.
The black Arc 5 palm is not made of Nagori, and so I can't have any of these feelings about it. But in general, the Arc 5's compact form is also oddly elegant for a travel shaver. So is the little vanity-sized pouch it travels in. But the simple feeling of the white shaver in my hand is the main thing I like about it, molded easily to the shape of my palm with a pleasing heft and density like a rock I might throw.
That said, a shaver isn't a rock, and its $330 price tag is a lot of money.
Japanese Steel
The specs on the Arc 5 are on their face impressive. The blades buzz away at 70,000 crosscuts per minute; that's 14,000 cuts apiece for each of five gently flexing foils. The Arc 5 also boasts of a “built-in beard sensor” that will adjust power output to match beard resistance, theoretically avoiding overaggressiveness that leads to nicks. Plus, you gotta love the marketing that puts “Japanese steel” high in the product description, for anyone who saw Kill Bill. It's not just any Japanese steel, either: This Japanese steel is stainless.
But the steel won't cut you. Same as in your hand, the Arc 5 Palm shaver is quite comfortable on your face. Whether I pressed hard or just whispered along the surface, I got no irritation. Though the shaver's five-foil face is quite broad—about an inch across on its short side and 2 inches the long way—the battery of five blades each depress separately to follow the contours of a neck or a cheekbone.